A monthly newsletter of the South Central Association of the Visually Impaired

SCAVI, P.O. Box 2216, Bedford, IN 47421

Facebook: []{.underline}

Newsletter written and produced by President Regina Vonderhaar and Edited by Rita Kersh.

Regina may be reached at 812-675-0065

Cell 317-435-8216

e-mail rvonderhaar\

November 2022


Our next meeting will be Monday, November 7 at the Bedford Free Methodist Church, 630 R Street, in the Fellowship Hall in the basement at 9:30 A.M.

It is time for elections, so if you would like to be an officer or board member, speak up at the meeting.


Rita Kersh Nov. 2


It's that time of the year once again to pay your dues of $9 ($5 to ACB, $2 to ACBI and $2 to SCAVI). If you cannot be at the meeting, mail your dues to:


PO Box 2216

Bedford, IN 47421


The meeting of the South Central Association of the Visually Impaired was held on Monday, October 3, 2022 at 9:30 am in the basement of the Bedford Free Methodist Church. Present at the meeting were Rich and Regina Vonderhaar, Mike and Dolly Sowder, Doug and Brenda Eads, Jim and Karen Veam, Loney and Ida Galey, Kathy Reising, Rita Kersh, and Denise Mullis.

Rita made a motion that we approve the September minutes, Brenda seconded. Motion was approved.

We celebrated our 40^th^ anniversary with Rich giving a brief summary of the formation of SCAVI. We all ate snacks and told stories about some of the fun times we have had as a group and some of the wonderful people who have participated over the years.

We forgot to make a motion to adjourn.

We adjourned the meeting at 10:30 am.

Respectfully Submitted by Secretary Rich Vonderhaar